Joshua1 Blog

Things to Know When Accepting Christ
When you accept Christ you’re willing to admit that He is the Lord of your life and that He sent His one and only son to die for you so that you could be saved of your sins. Many people, when new to Christianity, don’t know much else of what following Christ entails. So, here’s a few pointers on what it means to be a Christian.
Who Are You?

In today’s world, everyone is telling you what you are. They say, “You are a republican” or “You are a democrat.” People are defining people based on their skin color, gender, pronouns, past mistakes, political side, and ethnicity. There is a constant push to make yourself known by these things and there is never enough time to just sit down, and see who you actually are.

How to Give God the Glory

Giving God the glory in every situation in your life can be really difficult. Often we, as humans, tend to try and take the credit for ourselves whenever we can because we feast off of attention from others. These pieces of advice will help you become more humble and glorify God with the way you live.

3 Ways to be More Bold as a Christian

In today's day and age, it’s getting more difficult to be outspoken about being a Christian. Whether at school, work, or maybe even at home, there’s always going to be someone who will try and make you look bad for your faith but that’s why it’s important to stay solid in your foundation in Christ. There are many ways to do that like wearing a Christian T-Shirt or even just the way you live reflecting Christ. Here are just a few ways you can become more bold in your faith.